Welcome to the Beta Zeta Chapter Website!

Beta Zeta at - Large President Welcome Message:

I, Wendy Sergeant, have been a Sigma Nurse since I graduated from nursing school in 1996, and more active in the Beta Zeta-at Large Chapter since 2019, as Treasurer. Along the way, earning 6 degrees the latest DNP from the University of Massachusetts-Amherst 2019. My career in nursing has span multi-disciplines through med-surg, cardiology, research, primary care, and psychiatry. Including, successfully owning and practicing an integrated behavior-health primary care business (Bright Star Health) for 13 years, recently selling in 2022. Then, I rebranded and started a new business (Mind and Soul) to reflect my passion for holistic care and psychiatry. Still, I am very active in the psychiatry community working as Nurse Practitioner at the non-profit United Counseling Services in Bennington, Vermont, and as Adjunct Professor for UMass-Amherst and Norwich Universities.

When at the Sigma Theta Tau Biennial Convention many years ago I was inspired by the wealth and depth of nursing experience from around the world. Truly, the mission of Sigma Theta Tau [advancing world health and celebrating nursing excellence in scholarship, leadership, and service] was demonstrated at the convention. Nurses gathered to share their experiences, wisdom, and passion. It is an experience I will not forget as it strengthened my commitment to nursing and Sigma Theta Tau. “I drank the purple Kool-Aid!”

I am honored to be among the elite of nursing, the brightest and most innovative forward thinkers, as your newly elected President Beta-Zeta-at-Large Chapter. We are not "just" a nursing organization. We are change agents in nursing, translating to better patient lives and communities. Our chapter has an enormous wealth of wisdom that is beyond calculation.

My Vision for Beta-Zeta-at Large Chapter is for connection, active membership, and self-care. As we move into 2024, I need your help and feedback. Only with you can we make this chapter even more connected. We are Sigma Strong!

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2025 Scholarship Day Call for Abstracts:

 Beta Zeta Peer Collaboration 2025

2024 Sigma Region 15 Research Symposium

The weekend of October 19th brought us the Sigma Region 15 Annual Research Symposium. Members of Beta Zeta at-Large chapter and students of the Western Mass Nursing Schools presented their research at the annual event. A special congratulations to Chelsea Ramos of UMass Amherst for winning the Top Student Podium Presentation. Her Presentation, "Death and Dying in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU): Perceptions of Existing Stressors, Personal Coping Mechanisms, and Available Support."

2024 Beta Zeta Leadership Ambassadors 

2024 Beta Zeta Novice Nurse Leaders

New Research and Scholarship Hub

Beta Zeta at-Large prides itself on the continued support of nursing research and scholarship within our chapter and in the greater nursing community. Check our are new location for opportunities to participate in scholarship in the Pioneer Valley and the greater nursing community!


Beta Zeta in the UK

Recently, members of Beta Zeta attended the 2024 Sigma European Nursing Conference hosted by Bournemouth University. 288 nurses from 24 countries presented a diverse range of nursing research being completed around the world. Represented at the event was the Westfield State University School of Nursing and the University of Massachusetts Amherst Elaine Marieb College of Nursing. Congratulation to all Beta Zeta members for your continued push towards nursing innovation. 

Beta Zeta at-Large 50th Anniversary Celebration!


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Chapter News

  • "Empowering Journeys! Why We Chose the Novice Nurse Leader Program!"

    Dear Beta Zeta at-Large Chapter Members,
    I hope this message finds you well.
    I am writing to extend our heartfelt thanks to Novice Nurse Leader Anna Duquette for her inspiring kickoff of our series titled "Empowering Journeys! Why We Chose the Novice Nurse Leader Program!". Anna's dedication and passion have set a wonderful tone for this series, and we are grateful for her contributions.
    If you know of a novice nurse leader or if you are a novice nurse leader yourself, we would love to hear your story. Please share your "why" with us by reaching out to Yolanda Marrow at ymarrow51@gmail.com or Alison Choate at ali.choate28@gmail.com.
    Thank you for your continued support and participation.
    Warm regards,
    Yolanda Marrow, DNP, RN
    Publicity Chair
    Beta Zeta at-Large Chapter
  • 2024-2025 Novice Nurse Program

    The Leadership Succession Committee is proud to offer the 2024-2025 Beta Zeta at-Large Novice Nurse Leadership Program to you! We are committed to supporting your professional endeavors and identifying a role that is a wonderful fit for you to serve your Beta Zeta at-Large Chapter. Please complete this form to apply to the program. 

Chapter Events

International Events